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Showing posts from August, 2019

Market Timing With Your Unit Trust / Mutual Funds ?

When investing in bonds, stocks, or mutual funds, investors have the opportunity to increase their rate of return by timing the market - investing when stock markets go up and selling before they decline. A good investor can either time the market prudently, select a good investment, or employ a combination of both to increase his or her rate of return. However, any attempt to increase your rate of return by timing the market entails higher risk. Investors who actively try to time the market should realize that sometimes the unexpected does happen and they could lose money or forgo an excellent return. Timing the market is difficult. To be successful, you have to make two investment decisions correctly: one to sell and one to buy. If you get either wrong in the short term you are out of luck. In addition, investors should realize that: 1. Stock markets go up more often than they go down. 2. When stock markets decline they tend to decline very quickly. That is, sh...

How to Avoid a bad Mutual Fund / Unit Trust Fund

Follow some basic tips and you will avoid picking the wrong mutual fund / unit trust fund. We have all heard about the advantages of investing in a mutual fund over trying to pick individual stocks. First of all, mutual funds hire professional analysts that are market experts and devout many hours of study to the various stocks. Unless you want to devout a large portion of your free time to the study of the financial reports, you probably won't have as much information to make a decision as a mutual fund manager. Then there is the well documented advantage of diversification. Risk is reduced by holding several non correlated investments. Put simply, some go up, some go down and combined, the return levels off the fluctuations, or risk. Finally, a mutual fund offers smaller investors a chance to invest in small increments rather than having to save a large chunk of cash to purchase 100 shares of stock. Given the above advantages, it's no wonder that mutual funds ha...