Since when you started your savings habit? Or you don't have savings habit at all? What is the benefit of savings? Saving provides a financial “backstop” or "backup" for life's uncertainties and increases feelings of security and peace of mind. Once an adequate emergency fund is established, savings can also provide the “seed money” for higher return investment tools such as bonds, mutual funds / unit trust funds and stock. There are few simple ways to start your savings habit. 1. Save First, Spend Later You start to save a small portion from your monthly income, example 10% to 30% from you total monthly income. 2. Spend More, Save More This is how you save the while you spend. Example, you plan to save all the RM20 notes from your wallet, each time you see there is RM20 notes, you keep in your piggy bank. Every time you spend your big notes, if the balance you get are RM20 notes, you keep its. You will surprise after few months, and y...